Vision Mission and Objectives
“To become an Excellent and Leading Faculty in Indonesia and produce Human Resources with innovative design and artistic abilities and aware of local values by utilizing science and technology that meets the needs of industry and society in the global competition in 2024”
1. Implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education
2. Graduated Professionals Who In Their Work Are Always Environmentally Insight And Prioritize Local Wisdom
3. Improving the Quality of Teaching Staff, Education Personnel in Accordance with the Development of Science and Technology
4. Preparing Facilities and Infrastructure for the Tridharma of Higher Education
5. Building Cooperation with Universities, Government Agencies and the Business World
1. Building a Learning Process With a Dynamic Academic Climate That Supports the Growth of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Ethics, Problem Solving, Innovative and Professional By Upholding Professional Ethics and Responsibility.
2. Produce graduates who have competence in the fields of Design and Art who are ready to compete globally in the industry.
3. Produce graduates who follow the development of science and technology who can produce design works that are useful for the community.
4. Develop research and community service programs that are applicable and on target, which support the academic atmosphere, and are in line with the needs of the professional world community.
5. Develop the ability to cooperate with various related parties and stakeholders by making valuable contributions to Design science
6. Provide hands-on experience to ensure that students can solve problems and apply the knowledge they have gained during their studies