No. |
Study Program | Name of Executive Lecturer | Title of PPM |
NIM / Student Name |
1 |
Interior design |
Rr. Chandrarezky Permatasari, SSn, MDs
Drs. Yohanes Nugroho Utomo, M.Ds |
Convenient Spatial Consultation for Psychotic Patients at the Meruya Selatan Social Services Information Unit, Kembangan, West Jakarta | Gita Ayunda Ratu / 41716010050
Ahmad Syauqi Nugraha / 4171701003 |
2 |
Interior design |
Anggi Dwi Astuti S.Ds, MM
Drs. Tujung Atmadi M.Sn |
Decorative Wall Workshop Dengfan Media Kreasi Talenan At UILS (Social Services Information Unit) Meruya Selatan – West Jakarta | Amanda Afrilia / 41717010009 |
3 |
Interior design |
Drs. Nugroho Utomo, M.Ds
Rr. Chandrarezky Permatasari, S.Sn, MDs |
Painting training on green plant pots for school-age children in the RPTRA park in West Jakarta | Agung Cahyo Wibowo / 41717010001
Fikriansyah Priyadi / 41717010032 |
4 |
Interior design |
Lelo, ST., M.Ds
Dena Anggita, S.Ds., M.Ds |
Basic photography technique training and DSLR camera usage: Use of photography as a media for documentation and promotion at UILS Meruya Selatan, West Jakarta | Dwi Bayu Ajie / 41716010011 |
5 |
Interior design |
Dwi Susilastuti, ST, M.Ds
Ir. Dody Pujayanto, MM Savitri S.Sn, M.Ds |
Decoupage Technique of Handicraft Art Training as a Psychotherapy Healing for Psychotics and Product Marketing Techniques at West Jakarta UILS | Frais Charles Tjoanda / 41717010023
Amanda Afrilia / 41717010009 |
6 |
Interior design |
Drs. Tunjung Atmadi M.Sn
Anggi Dwi Astuti S.Ds, MM |
Implementation and Evaluation of “Public Amenities” at RPTRA Manunggal Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, West Jakarta | Dwi Bayu Ajie / 41716010011
Dian Rachmidanty / 41716010036 |
7 |
Interior design |
Dodi Pujayanto, Ir, MM | Utilization of the toll road wall as an urban graffiti art media along with the taruna coral is the south | Rizky Agung Setiawan / 4171601008
Agung Darmawan / 41716010016 |
8 |
Interior design |
Rachmita Maun Harahap, ST, M.Sn | Youth Graffiti and Talent Graffiti Art Training in the South on the Wall of the Meruya Toll Road | Dian Rachmidanty / 41716010036
Ramanda Maulana D / 41716010054
9 |
Interior design |
Drs. Kris Wardhana, M.Sn | Urban street art art training as a distribution of the hobbies and talents of Meruya Selatan teenagers on the walls of the Meruya toll road | Taufik Zulhi Farhan / 41717010031
Mohamad Alief Baihaqki / 41717010053 |
10 |
Interior design |
Drs. Teguh Imanto, M.Sn | Urban mural arts training as a distribution of the hobbies and talents of teenagers in South Meruya on the walls of the Meruya toll road | Frais Charles Tjoanda / 41717010023 |
11 |
Interior design |
Zulfiska Nadaa, M.Ds | Training on the selection and mixing of colors in mural activities on the walls of the toll road along with the Meruya Selatan cadets | Ahmad Wahhib Nurroya / 41716010006
Inez Jenietrifia Meutia Putri / 4171601005 |
12 |
Interior design |
Rinkapati Swatriani, S.Ds.M.Ikom | Counseling and introduction of urban art spray painting to Meruya Selatan cadets | Adilla Nur Janah / 41716010001
Apriya Rasmawati / 41716010004 |
13 |
Product Design |
Nukke Sylvia, S.Sn, M.Ds
Denta Mandra Pradipta B, S.Ds, M.Sc. |
Training on “Designing Packacing Merchandiseat UILS” | Lia Evyyani Elisye Suci / 41915110103 |
14 |
Product Design |
Hady Soedarwanto, ST., M.Ds | Packaging design for household handicraft products at Meruya West Jakarta social service information unit (UILS) | Natalia Hartiansyah / 41915010002
Tsabitah Fatahillah / 41915010037 |
15 |
Product Design |
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn | Art Therapy by Line and Color for Psychotics at the Meruya Social Services Information Unit (UILS) | Pandan Jati / 41916010046 |
16 |
Product Design |
Junaidi Salam, S.Ds, M.Ds | Wood and Resin Jewelry Making Training at Srengseng Satria Vocational School, West Jakarta | Sopyan Tri Atmaja / 4195010042
Hadyan Anzavirta / 41915010052 |
17 |
Product Design |
Denta Mandra Pradipta B, S.Ds, M.Sc.
Nukke Sylvia, S.Sn, M.Ds |
Training on “Designing signboard materials at UILS” | Nurhazizah / 41916010010 |
18 |
Product Design |
Vania Aqmarani Sulaiman, S.Ds., M.Ds | Increasing the creativity of the community through makeup training in the housewives of residents of Kembangan Meruya, West Jakarta | Nurhazizah / 41916010010 |
19 |
Product Design |
Dena Anggita, S.Ds., M.Ds
Lelo, ST., M.Ds |
Product Photography Training by utilizing cardboard as a shooting setting for product creation objects at the UILS – Meruya | Lintang Fitriani / 41917010013 |
20 |
Product Design |
Aji Wicaksono, SH, M.Hum
Mesah Nur Sejati, S.Pd., M.Sn |
Training in making resin-based handicrafts and mixed materials (Mixed Material) as a driver of the productive economy of the community | Arief Bisri / 41915010011 |
21 |
Product Design |
Rika Hindraruminggar | Creative and artistic events at the UILS Meruya | Fadil Al Ashar / 42316010111
Cindy Amzal Dara R / 42316010112 |
22 |
Product Design |
Waridah Muthi’ah, S.Ds., M.Ds | Art Therapy collage making as a medium of self-expression for prokosis advocates at UILS Meruya | Alifia Salas Dwinanda Somantri / 41917010011
Lintang Fitriani / 41917010013 |
23 |
Product Design |
Indah Fitriana Hapsari, S.Ds., M.Ikom | Increasing community creativity through makeup training for young women from Kembangan Meruya, West Jakarta | Duhita Alindi Pramathana / 41916010024 |
24 |
Product Design |
Mesah Nur Sejati, S.Pd., M.Sn
Aji Wicaksono, SH, M.Hum |
Training on making handicrafts made from mixed color resin | Arief Bisri / 41915010011 |
25 |
Product Design |
Agustan, S.Pd., M.Sn | The campaign likes to read with mural painting technique media with the Meruya Selatan Karang Taruna | Ponco Prasetio / 41916010016
Rifki Muttaqin / 41916010018 |
26 |
Product Design |
Irwan Widodo, S.Ds., M.Ds | An anti-drug campaign with mural painting art media with residents around South Meruya | Andreas Yulianto / 41916010011
Satria Wanardi / 41916010012 |
27 |
Product Design |
Guntur Angkat, S.Sn., M.Ikom | The Campaign is environmentally conscious with mural techniques on the walls of the Meruya toll road with the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Yuliagita Mentari Pertiwi / 41916010001
Helfianando Angga Zulfafika / 41916010002 |
28 |
Product Design |
Octavianus Bramatha, S.Ds., M.Ds | Media campaign for healthy living exercising with mural painting techniques with the Meruya Selatan Karang Taruna | Muhammad Aldy Suryadinata / 41916010031
Vega Amelia Sari / 41916010032 |
29 |
Product Design |
Drs. Budi Waluyo, M.Ds | Campaign Go Green with mural techniques on the Meruya toll road wall with teenagers from South Meruya | Danu Azi Prastowo / 41916010006
Helmi Zuhdi Mujibah / 41916010008 |
30 |
Product Design |
Agus Budi Setyawan, S.Ds., M.Sn | Counseling and introduction of urban street art to the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Rendy Mamola / 41916020001
Joddy Meirizal / 41916110001 |
31 |
Product Design |
Pillar Anugrah Hadi, S.Ds., M.Ds | Training on spray paint painting techniques with the theme “love the environment love my earth” on the walls of the Meruya toll road with the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Ida Bagus Bayu Pati / 41916010014
Fridian Dwi Santoso / 41916010027 |
32 |
Product Design |
Sunarwati, S.Sn., M.Msi | Media campaign the danger of sara issues with mural painting techniques with the Meruya Selatan Karang Taruna | Ahmad Giffari Nurandali / 41916010036
Kiki Indriyani / 41916010037 |
33 |
Product Design |
Ardo Bernando, S.Sn, M.Ds | Spray painting art painting technique training with the theme “I Love Jakarta” on the walls of the Meruya toll road with the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Dede Anggraini / 41916110005
Adriatama Rahmat Saputra / 41916110010 |
34 | Product Design | Ananta Hari Noorsasetya, S.Sn., M.Ikom | Paint art spray painting technique training with the theme “Different choices remain brothers” on the walls of the Meruya toll road with the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Sri Rahayu / 41916110016
Jetli / 41916110030 |
35 | Product Design | Zulfikar Sa’ban, S.Pd., M.Ds | Extension and introduction of urban stencil art to the Karang Meruna Selatan Meruya | Nadhila Luthfiyana Nur Aisyah / 41916010004
Moch. Imam Dwi Oktorianto / 41916010005 |
36 | Product Design | Budiyono, S.Sn., M.Sn | The application of mural art on the walls of the toll road Meruya to Increase the aesthetic Value of the city | Ahmad Uzfi Aizar / 41916010045
Pandan Jati / 41916010046 |
37 | Product Design | Agus Nursidhi, S.Pd., M.Ds | Street art painting training on the Meruya toll road wall as a media campaign for the dangers of drugs with residents around South Meruya | Aprilia Mardani / 41917110009
Senoadji Huda Pratama / 41917110010 |
38 | Product Design | Iin Danyawatie, S.Ds., M.Ds | Spray paint art painting training with the theme “Go Green” on the walls of the Meruya toll road with the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Mahammad Galih Tri Laksono / 41916010039
Ibrahim Hasyim Damanik / 41916010044 |
39 | Product Design | Anita Armas, S.Sn., M.Ds | Street art painting training on the Meruya toll road wall as a media campaign to care for the environment with residents around South Meruya | Hisham Reka Prasetya / 41917110004
Syahrul Ramadhan / 41917110008 |
40 | Product Design | Udhi Marsudi, S.Sn., M.Sn | Dangerous gadget campaign for children with mural painting technique media with Meruya Selatan Karang Taruna | Achmad Saleh Lega Tobi / 41916010025
Duhita Alindi Pramathana / 41916010024 |
41 | Product Design | Savitri, S.Sn., M.Ds | The application of street art on the walls of the Meruya toll road with the Karang Taruna Meruya to Increase the aesthetic Value of the city | Adriatama Rahmat Saputra / 41916110010
Muhammad Ade Ghaffar / 41916010014 |
42 | Product Design | Airin Kartika Dewi, S.Sn., MM | Urban street art art application on the flyover wall of Meruya West Jakarta tol along with the South Meruya Karang Taruna | Fathurrahman / 41915010032
Mila Cahyani / 41915010062 |
43 | Product Design | Drs. Djoko Soemarsono, M.Ds | Urban mural art application on the flyover wall of Meruya West Jakarta tol along with Karang Taruna Meruya Selatan | Bimo Adrya Raafi Yuriandi / 41915010058
Muhammad Taufiq / 41915010055 |
44 | Product Design | Dr. Komarudin Kudiya, S.IP., M.Ds | Creation of street art on the walls of the Meruya toll flyover with mural techniques together with teenagers from South Meruya | Helfianando Angga Zulfafika / 41916010002
Ponco Prasetio / 41916010016 |
45 | Product Design | Rizki Dinata, S.Ds, MA | The implementation of the stencil technique with the Meruya toll road media along with Meruya Selatan ramaja | Aditya Rizky Febriansyah / 41917010027
Fadriyani / 41917010014 |
46 | Product Design | Ali Ramadhan, S.Sn., M.Ds | Counseling and training on the selection of tools and materials for stencil activities with taruna corals in the south | Vega Amelia Sari / 41916010032
Fridian Dwi Santoso / 41916010027 |
47 | Product Design | Annisa Rachimi Rizka, S.Ds., M.Ds | Typographic training on graffiti art with teenagers Meruya Selatan on the walls of the Meruya toll road | Raras Sarasatti / 41916010009
Duhita Alindi Pramathana / 41916010024 |
48 | Product Design | Saifullah Sawiyya, S.Sn | Application of colors in urban mural art on the walls of the Meruya Selatan toll road | Aby Zaifurul Idhar / 41917110008
Andrew / 41917110039 |
49 | Product Design | Sri Sulistiowati, S.Sn., M.Ds | Photography training with nyang toll road wall media has been in a mural in South Meruya | Wayi Fariz Nugroho / 41916110041
Rafi Hidayat / 41916110031 |
50 | Product Design | Nurlela, S.Ds | Training on spray paint selection for spray art activities with South Meruya cadets | Phoenician / 41917110011
Bagas Prasetyo / 41917110026 |
51 | Product Design | Ahmad Mohammad Ari Subekti, S.Sn | Implementation of typography on flyover wall media with graffiti art in South Meruya | Salma Hanifah / 41915010007
Revelation of Krishna / 41915010018 |
52 | Product Design | Abdul Hakim Santoso, S.Sn., M.Ds | Enhancing the ability of South Meruya youth in color recognition in urban graffiti art | Muhammad Aulia Rahamn / 41916010035
Nadhila Luthfiyana Nur Aisyah / 41916010004 |
53 | Product Design | Mahdi Abdullah, ST, M.Sn | The application of paint art spray on the walls of the Meruya West Jakarta toll road flyover with the Meruya Selatan cadets | Asep Nurjamil / 41917010020
Tengku Fajar / 41917010032 |
54 | Product Design | Moh. Ronny Arachim, S.Sn., M.Ds | Training [selection of tools and materials for mural activities with South Meruya youth clubs | Helmi Firdaus / 41916110003
Rafi Hidayat / 41916110031 |
55 | Product Design | Budiyono, S.Sn, M.Sn | Mural Art Training with the South Meruya Karang Taruna with the UMB Faculty of Design and Creative Session | Lukman Wibisono / 41916110026
Reinhard Arpakhsad Limbong / 41916110054 |
56 | Product Design | Drs. Budi Waluyo, M.Ds | Application of Illustration as Part of Visual Communication in Meruya Communities | Akmal Sani / 41916110004
Galuh Laksmi Pramushita / 41916110015 |
57 | Product Design | Guntur Angkat, S.Sn, M.Ikom | Increasing Community Creativity through Painting Training at Meruya Youth, West Jakarta | Dodi Rianto / 41916110080
Fenbryansyach / 41916110082 |
58 | Product Design | Iin Danyawatie, S.Ds, M.Ds | Color Composition Training in Designing Murals on the Meruya Flyover Wall | Utari Fitri Fauziah / 41917010033
Hendra Fernanda / 41917010005 |
59 | Product Design | Octavianus Bramantha, S.Ds, M.Ds | Application of Urban Mural Art Comic Applications on the Meruya Toll Flyover Wall in Social Campaigns | Viky Aristiawan / 41915210011
Lutfi Ardian / 41915210007 |
60 | Product Design | Agustan, S.Pd, M.Sn | Application of Logo Design of West Jakarta Municipality in the Form of Mural Works on Meruya’s Flyover Wall | Ahmad Fauzi / 41915010039
Ricky Pratama / 41915010029 |
61 | Product Design | Mochamad Fauzie, S.Pd., M.Ds | The application of urban stencil art on the wall of the west Jakarta tolmeruya flyover with the Meruya Selatan cadets | Hilda Febriana / 41916310024
Afifah / 4191632004 |
62 | Product Design | Ir. Edy Muladi, M.Sc. | Street Art Graphic Art Training on the Meruya Toll Wall with Residents Around South Meruya | Desydera Natalia / 41916010002
Helmi Firdaus / 41916010003 |
No. | Study Program | Name of Executive Lecturer | Title of PPM | NIM / Student Name |
1 | Product Design | Nina Maftukha, S.Pd., M.Sn
Waridah Muthi’ah S.Ds., M.Ds |
Fashion Draping Workshop for high school / vocational students in Rawa Buaya | Pandan Jati / 41916010046 |
2 | Product Design | Agustan, S.Pd, M.Sn
Rifki Aswan, S.Pd, M.Sn Haryudi Rahman, S.Pd, M.Sn |
Mural Training for Youth in North Meruya | Angga Putra Wijaya |
3 | Product Design | Junaidi Salam, S.Ds, M.Ds
Dena Anggita, S. Ds, M.Ds |
Phonegraphy training: maximizing photography creativity through smartphone for high school students in West Jakarta | |
4 | Product Design | Rifki Aswan, S.Pd, M.Sn
Agustan, S.Pd, M.Sn Haryudi Rahman, S.Pd, M.Sn |
Pellatihan Mural for Karang Taruna in South Meruya | Angga Putra
Baihaqi Afifi |
5 | Product Design | Dena Anggita, S. Ds, M.Ds
Irwan Widodo, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Photography editing training uses digital processing software “Snapseed” via mobile phones for vocational students | Gugum Rayi Nugraha (42315010008) |
6 | Product Design | Hady Soedarwanto, ST., M. Ds
Ir. Edy Muladi, M.Sc. Lukman Arief S.Ds., M.Sn |
Increasing community creativity through training in making tote bags in Kembangan | Salma Hanifah / 41915010007
Mila Cahyani / 41915010062 |
7 | Product Design | Dr. Ariani Kusuma Wardhani, M.Ds. Cs
Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra, SE, BS, MS Waridah Muthi’ah S.Ds., M.Ds |
3D fashion illustration creativity training for West Jakarta high school students | Kartika Fitriandary |
8 | Product Design | Waridah Muthi’ah S.Ds., M.Ds
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd., M.Sn |
Fashion Illustration Training for High School / Vocational School Students in West Jakarta | Kartika Fitriandary |
9 | Product Design | Rika Hindraruminggar, S.Sn., M.Sn
Dr. Ariani Kusuma Wardhani, M.Ds. Cs |
Making Signboards at Warung Gado-Gado Ibu Rintik | |
10 | Product Design | Udhi Marsudi, S.Sn, M.Sn
Mesah Nur Sejati S.Pd, M.Sn |
Implementation of the Nameplate Color at the Tami Food Shop in South Meruya | |
11 | Product Design | Haryudi Rahman, S.Pd, M.Sn
Firmansah, S.Pd., M.Sn Junaidi Salam, S.Ds., M.Ds |
Color Signboard Implementation at Warung Makan Gado-gado Betawi in South Meruya | |
12 | Product Design | Nukke Sylvia, S.Sn, M.Ds
Octavianus Bramantha, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training for “Sate Madura” Business | Nur Lailiyah is easy
M. Rizvan |
13 | Product Design | Dwi Ramayanti,, M.Sn
Nukke Sylvia, S.Sn, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training on Business “Mang Ujang Day” | Puguh Aji
Ilsa Anolat |
14 | Product Design | Budi Waluyo, Drs., M.Ds
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn Hady Soedarwanto ST, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training on Business “Enjoyable Café, the Latest Pack” | |
15 | Product Design | Denta Mandra Pradipta, B, S.Ds, M.Sc.
Nukke Sylvia, S.Sn, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training for the “Pempek and Seblak” business | Bukhori
Tiwik Budiati |
16 | Product Design | Vania Aqmarani, S.Ds, M.Ds
Dena Anggita, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Signboards; the application of Typography to basic food stalls belonging to mother tami Jalan H. Lebar | |
17 | Product Design | Indah Fitriana Hapsari, S.Ds., M.Ikom
Guntur Angkat, S.Sn., M.Ikom |
Application of Typography in a Signgage System at MIE Food Stalls “Hahayam” | |
18 | Product Design | Budiyono, S.Sn., M.Sn
Waridah Muthi’ah, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Color Application Workshop on Signboard Design Needs at the Bakso Wage Stall South Meruya Wide Haji Road | Fahmi Fadilah
Ahmad Fauzi |
19 | Product Design | Sunarwati, S.Sn, M.Sc.
Diean Arjuna D S.Ds, M.Sn Junaidi Salam, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Typography Design Training on Signboards: Application of signboard typographic artistic elements to the Padang satay stall owned by Mr. Umuda | |
20 | Product Design | Sri Sulistiowati, S.Sn, M.Ds
Rifki Aswan, S.Pd, M.Sn |
Application of Colors in the Signgage System at food stalls eating pempek and seblak | |
21 | Product Design | Airin Kartika dewi, S.Sn, MM
Agus Budi Setyawan, S.Ds, M.Sn |
design of Typographic Artistic Elements on Signboard Needs of the mother hawker stall of the wide hajj road to the south | Fahmi Fadilah
Ahmad Fauzi |
22 | Product Design | Ady Santoso, S.IKom, M.Sn
Haryudi Rahman, S.Pd. M.Sn |
Color Nameplate Implementation at Pak Suparno’s Warteg in South Meruya | |
23 | Product Design | Guntur Angkat, S.Sn, M.Ikom
Haryudi Rahman, S.Pd. M.Sn |
Color Nameplate Implementation at Asno Food Shop in South Meruya | |
24 | Product Design | Annisa Rachimi Rizka, S.Ds, M.Ds
Anata Hari Noorsasetya, S.Sn, M.Ikom |
Application of Colors in the Signage System on Business “Great Photocopy and Print” | |
25 | Product Design | Octavianus Bramantha, S.Ds, M.Ds
Nukke Sylvia, S.Sn, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training on “Satay Padang” business | Puguh Aji |
26 | Product Design | Edwar Juanda, S.Ds., MIKom
Dena Anggita, S.Ds, M.Ds Rifky Aswan, S.Pd., M.Sn |
Designing a Signboard / Billboard: A signboard color selection strategy at a cafe “Delicious cafe” on Jalan H. Lebar | |
27 | Product Design | Djoko Soemarsono, Drs., M.Ds
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn Hady Soedarwanto ST, M.Ds |
Typographic design on signboard: Application of signboard typographic artistic elements to Pak Edi’s Madura satay stalls | |
28 | Product Design | Firmansah, S.Pd, M.Sn
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn Hady Soedarwanto ST, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training at Sodikun’s Pukuk Chicken Business | |
29 | Product Design | Ir. Edy Muladi, M.Sc.
Irfandi Musnur, S.Pd, M.Sn |
Making a sign board at a food stall Chicken Noodle “hahayam” Meruya Selatan | |
30 | Product Design | Nurlela, S.Sn
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn Hady Soedarwanto ST, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training for “Pak Suparno Warteg” business | |
31 | Product Design | Imam Frimansyah, S.Sn., M.Sn
Diean Arjuna D S.Ds, M.Sn Junaidi Salam S.Ds, M.Ds |
Pelatiha Typographic design on signboards: Application of signboard typographic artistic elements to siomay stalls belonging to the mangang mang | |
32 | Product Design | Savitri, S.Sn, M.Ds
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn Hady Soedarwanto ST, M.Ds |
Signboard Material Training for the “Tami Mother Food Shop” business | |
33 | Product Design | Lelo ST, M.Ds
Firmansah, S.Pd, M.Sn Dean Arjuna S.Ds, M.Sn |
Design and color selection of signboards: Signboard Color Strategy at Mbak Wit Jalan H. Lebar Food Stalls | |
34 | Product Design | Irwan Widodo, S.Ds., M.Ds
Rizky Dinata, S.Ds., MA Dena Anggita, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Application of Color in Typography to Increase the Power of Attracting Stores to Consumers (Making Signboards at Delicious Cafes) | |
35 | Product Design | Aji Wicaksono, SH, M.hum
Junaidi Salam S.Ds, M.Ds Haryudi Rahman, S.Pd. M.Sn |
Making billboards / signboards; the application of Typography to the nine basic necessities owned by Mr. Asno Jalan H. Lebar | |
36 | Product Design | Mahdi Abdullah, ST, M.Sn
Nina Maftukha, S.Pd, M.Sn Hady Soedarwanto ST, M.Ds |
Singboard Material Training for “Asno Food Shop” Business | |
37 | Product Design | Rizky Dinata, S.Ds., MA
Irwan Widodo, S.Ds., M.Ds Dena Anggita, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Design and signboard color selection: Application of singboard sticker on the copy and print business of Susi’s mother, H. Lebar | |
38 | Product Design | Anita Armas, S.Sn., M.Sn
Waridah Muthi’ah, S.Ds, M.Ds |
Color recognition training on signboard design needs in satay stalls in the wide hajj road to the south | Fahmi Fadilah
Ahmad Fauzi |
39 | Interior design | Nugroho Utomo, Drs. M.Ds
Anggi Dwi Astuti, S.Ds., MM |
Making a Sign Board at a place of business “Copy and Print Kingdom” | |
40 | Interior design | Ir. Dodi Pujayanto, MM
Anggi Dwi Astuti S.Ds, MM |
Training on the application of the design and color of the Signboard on the “Ibu Rahma Meatball” Business | |
41 | Interior design | Zulfiska Nadaa S.Sn, M.Ds
Anggi Dwi Astuti, S.Ds, MM |
The application of primary colors on the signboard in the Madura satay stall | Agam Sebastian Hasbi / 41714010017 |
42 | Interior design | Rinkapati Swatriani S.Ds, M.Ikom
Junaidi Salam S.Ds, M.Ds Irwan Widodo, S.Ds., M.Ds |
Design and selection of signboard materials: the application of a cutting sticker signboard on Mr. Wage’s meatball stall on Jalan H. Lebar | |
43 | Interior design | Dwi Susilastuti ST., M. Ds
Ir. Dody Pujayanto, MM |
Knitting arts training as an interior element of residential homes for housewives in Kembangan Utara housing | Marcia Chrisyolita / 41715010040
Frita Arwani / 41715010037 |
44 | Interior design | Rr. Chandrarezky Permatasari SSn, MDs
Drs. Yohannes Nugroho M. Ds Ken Pratiwi Gobel, S.Ds |
Interior drawing training uses autocad for high school students around the West Jakarta area | Farid Muhammad / 41715010049
Muhammad Andika H. / 41715010042 Bisma Handika / 41715010030 |
45 | Interior design | Tunjung Atmadi SP Drs. M.Sn
Anggi Dwi Astuti S. Ds, MM |
Handicraft Making Training (Knitted and Resin Materials) IN Meruya Utara Kembangan, West Jakarta | Mihka Kinta Friandra / 41715010029
Adinda Puspita / 41715010011 |
46 | Interior design | Anggi Dwi Astuti S. Ds, MM | Free drawing training (animated objects) and coloring in elementary school children in the Kepa-West Jakarta spine area | Hanifah / 41713010035 |
47 | Visual communication design | Diean Arjuna D S.Ds, M.Sn
Junaidi Salam S.Ds, M.Ds Lelo, ST, M.Ds |
Typography design training on Signboards: Application of artistic typographic Eleman aesthetics Signboard on food stalls Owned by Mbak Wit Jl. H. Width | |
48 | Visual communication design | Siti Aisyah S.Pd, M.Pd
Diean Arjuna D S.Ds, M.Sn Junaidi Salam S.Ds, M.Ds |
Typography design training on the Signboard: Application of aesthetic typography to the signboard on an authentic stall and Pak Rusdi’s pempek | |
49 | Visual communication design | Irfandi Musnur, S.Pd, M.Sn
Siti Aisyah, M.Pd Mesah Nursejati, S.Sn, M.Sn |
High print training (cukil technique) for high school adolescents on flower road no.76 RT. 006 / RW.05 South Meruya | |
50 | Visual communication design | Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra., SE., BS., MS
Rika Hindraruminggar, S.Sn., M.Sn Novena Ulita, S.Pd., M.Sn |
Website creation training using adobe muse software for high school students in South Meruya | |
51 | Visual communication design | Novena Ulita, S.Pd, M.Sn
Irfandi Musnur, S.Pd, M.Sn |
Creative dreamboard making workshop as a communication strategy about future professional plans for elementary school students in Rawa Buaya |